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Medical Outreach Campaign in India - Delhi
Next start date available: Jun 19, 2023

Medical Outreach Campaign in India - Delhi

Part of a group that wants to volunteer on a Medical Campaign in India - Delhi? International Volunteer HQ’s Medical Campaign is a tailored experience that enables groups of eight or more medical students at any level of training, or professionals, to do outreach work in communities in and around Delhi. Volunteers will visit a number of different neighbourhoods throughout the week-long campaign, providing basic health services to those who need better access to them.

  • Programs start every first and third Monday of the month
  • Affordable set fee of £333 for 1 week
  • Includes accommodation, meals, airport pick up, orientation and 24/7 support
  • Take health services into local communities in need

  • Visit different parts of Delhi you might not otherwise see

  • Customisable for your experience or medical specialty

Key information

Improve access to quality healthcare
Based in and around Faridabad
Volunteer house or homestay
Volunteers aged 18+
Affordable set fee of £333 for 1 week
Set duration of 1 week
Tour the majestic Taj Mahal
Up to 4 hours volunteering a day

This program is ideal for:

Pre-medical, medical and nursing students through to qualified professionals who want to make an impact for local communities. The campaign can be customised to your group’s level of experience and expertise.
Who is this program suited to?

What to expect and how you'll make an impact

Healthcare in India is often inaccessible to those who live in disadvantaged communities outside of the city centres. Volunteers can help local people get the care, treatment and education they need by taking it to them in their own neighbourhoods.

As a Medical Campaign volunteer you and your group will visit up to five communities throughout the week and provide basic health services. If your group has a particular medical specialty, then your campaign can be tailored to provide these.

Contributes to United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal #3: Good Health and Well-Being

Contributes to United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal #3: Good Health and Well-Being

Good mental and physical health is key to sustainable development and building healthy and happy communities. Now more than ever, we must increase access to free healthcare and health education across the globe to achieve an acceptable standard of living and wellbeing for all.

Why do Medical Campaign volunteering in Delhi with IVHQ?

When you volunteer on a Medical Campaign in Delhi you’ll be adding value to the local community, while also developing personally and professionally by:

  • Helping disadvantaged communities access healthcare
  • Gaining medical experience
  • Volunteering with friends, classmates or colleagues
  • Growing as a team
  • Developing your communication skills
  • Immersing yourself in Indian culture
  • Exploring the neighbourhoods of Delhi

Volunteer requirements

  • To take part in a Medical Campaign you’ll all need to be pre-medical, pre-nursing, medical or nursing students or qualified professionals.

  • Volunteers need to be 18 years or over to participate in this program. If you are under the age of 18, IVHQ offers alternative volunteer opportunities for teens. Visit our High School Volunteer Abroad page to learn more.

  • All volunteers are required to speak fluent English, have adequate volunteer travel insurance and provide a criminal background check to IVHQ before departure.

Are you eligible to volunteer?

Submit a free application so we can confirm your eligibility and check availability for your preferred dates.

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Academic course credit

Gain course credit from your college or university and meet your academic requirements when completing a volunteer abroad program with International Volunteer HQ!

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”The medical mission trip organized through IVHQ was absolutely amazing. Having the chance to go to India and provide healthcare to communities in need was an eye-opening and fulfilling experience. We were able to provide blood glucose and blood pressure screenings and triage general ailments. We also were fortunate to be able to donate many supplies to more

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Volunteer Abroad in New Delhi, India with IVHQ


Delhi is home to India’s capital city, New Delhi. The city and surrounding National Capital Region are home to 46 million people in a number of cities and towns. One of these is Faridabad, where many of IVHQ’s India - Delhi projects are based. With more than 1.4 million people, Faridabad is the biggest city in the state of Haryana and part of one of the fastest growing places in the world. This means lower-income communities and slums are becoming more overcrowded and resources more stretched. Volunteers can help local initiatives that aim to address some of these issues, making life better for the people who live there.

If you’re planning to volunteer in India over the summer between April and July, it is important to consider the climate in Delhi. You’ll be in your element if you like it hot, but some past volunteers have found the heat and humidity were more extreme than they were expecting and often there is no air conditioning at placements. If you are looking for a more temperate destination, the IVHQ India - Kerala volunteer program is a great option. Located in southern India, volunteers can expect a more tropical climate throughout the year.

Arrival and orientation

The program orientation begins on the first and third Monday of each month, and volunteers need to arrive in Delhi on the Sunday before orientation.

After you have registered for the program, please book your flights to arrive at the New Delhi International Airport (DEL). Your airport pick-up is included in your program fee.

When you arrive, you will be greeted at the airport by a member of the local team and transported to the volunteer accommodation in Faridabad, on the southern outskirts of Delhi. Your accommodation is covered by your program fee and includes the night before your program orientation.

If you are travelling in India prior to your volunteer program, we can arrange for you to be picked up in Delhi on the day before your program orientation.

There are two options for orientation in India:

Half-day Orientation:

This covers everything you need to know for your volunteer project and stay in India. You will have an introduction to the IVHQ India - Delhi program, your project and the local staff, Indian customs, rules, expectations, and safety.

1-week Language and Introduction Week:

A week-long orientation which not only teaches you everything you need to know for your volunteer project, but also gives you detailed information about life in India, basic Hindi language lessons, tours, entertainment and sightseeing including the chance to visit the Taj Mahal. This week is popular with volunteers and is a great way to settle the culture shock you can face when arriving in India.

The fee for this longer orientation is £185 and takes place in the first week of your program. Accommodation and three meals per day are covered during this time. The Taj Mahal Tour costs an extra £84. If you want to join the 1-week Language and Introduction Week, please indicate this on your application form.

Volunteer schedule example

First day

On your first day of volunteering, you will be escorted to your placement by a local coordinator and introduced to the placement staff you will be working with.


Work and hours are dependent on the project and placement that the volunteer is working at, but a typical volunteer day would be:

7:00 AM Breakfast at the volunteer accommodation
8:00 AM Volunteers leave home and travel to their placements.
12:00 - 2:00 PM Lunch break either at the placement or the volunteer accommodation.
2:00 - 4:00 PM Work at the placement usually ends. Volunteers are free to travel back to the volunteer accommodation, go sightseeing, or do some shopping.
7:00 - 9:00 PM Dinner at the volunteer accommodation.


During the weekends, volunteers have spare time to relax or take the opportunity to explore Delhi’s numerous street markets, malls and museums, or discover ancient temples, important religious sites and beautifully curated gardens. You can also travel further afield to destinations such as Agra, where you can see the Taj Mahal; or admire the rose-hued buildings in the Pink City of Jaipur. Volunteers can make travel arrangements after arriving in Delhi, however if you are planning a long weekend trip during your time in India, it is a good idea to look into train tickets in advance and visit a travel agent to discuss travel options.

Accommodation and WiFi

You’ll stay in a volunteer house outside of central Delhi, in Faridabad, where you can expect to share a room with one to three other volunteers of the same gender. While bedding is provided, it is recommended that volunteers bring their own sleeping bag for the winter months of November through February.

Living is comfortable and all accommodation has electricity, WiFi, fans, shared western toilets and running water. The volunteer house has heated water for showers, a dining area and kitchen facilities. It is located in a gated apartment block within Faridabad and volunteers are provided with transport to and from their placement and accommodation each day.

Volunteers may request homestay accommodation or a private room within the volunteer house and both options are dependent on availability at the time. There is an additional fee of US$91 (approximately £76) per week for a private room which can be booked and paid for via your Pre-departure Checklist once you have registered. Families will typically be accommodated in homestays, and on some placements on the Medical project volunteers may also be in a homestay.


Volunteers on the India - Delhi program are provided with breakfast, lunch and dinner, which are all served at the volunteer accommodation.

Toast, eggs, spreads, fruit and tea are served for breakfast. Typical Indian food served for lunch and dinner include chapati, a flat wheat bread; dahl, a lentil soup; curry; paneer; vegetables and salads. Meat is rarely eaten in India, except on festive occasions so you can expect all meals to be vegetarian.

India is home to a great variety of teas and you are sure to be served an authentic home brew of chai tea during your stay. Bottled water is readily available in India and volunteers should budget approximately £4 per week for 2 litres per day.

If you have any special dietary requirements, please let us know when you apply so as we can discuss this with you further. As you will be living and volunteering abroad, you should not expect to eat as you normally do at home; however, the local team will do their best to ensure you are well taken care of. It’s important that you come to India with an open mind and understand that there is a need to be flexible when it comes to meals. If you wish to supplement some of your meals with home comforts, there are basic kitchen facilities available to use.


The Medical Campaign program fee is US$395 per person for the week, and includes 24/7 support, accommodation, meals, airport transfers, Medical Campaign, private transportation to placement daily, language translators, program orientation and discounts on language lessons. All programs attract a Registration Fee (from US$329) on top of the Program Fee. A 5% international banking fee is added at point of payment.

Here are just a few of the India add-ons we offer:

Is visiting India’s capital and seeing the iconic Taj Mahal on your bucket list? You can arrange this epic day tour directly with your IVHQ Program Manager before you depart. This is a perfect way to spend your free time while volunteering on the IVHQ India - Delhi program.

Delhi is a must-visit destination if you are in India and during the tour you will get to experience both the ancient feel of old Delhi and modern marvels of New Delhi.

You will be responsible for:

  • Entrance fees to Taj Mahal
  • Drinks
  • Personal expenses

Your itinerary:

You will leave the volunteer program and will be transported to the city Agra, which tips the scales with 3 UNESCO World Heritage Sites and was the capital of the Mughal Emperors from 1526 to 1628. Breakfast is on the way.

Once arrived, your visit to the Taj Mahal begins and you will learn the rich history from an English-speaking guide.

After your visit has ended, you will then have lunch in a nice restaurant in Agra before having some free-time to see the markets in Agra and will then return to the volunteer program by 7pm.

When you apply for an IVHQ volunteer program, make a note of which tours and add-ons you’re interested in on your application form so we can check availability and prices for you.

Once you’ve paid your registration fee, your Program Manager will be able to book your place on the tour(s) you have chosen and help you organize your trip.

Check what's required to visit India

Check out the widget below to find out what the Covid-19 restrictions and visa requirements are for India, based on your country of residence.

Safety and support with IVHQ

Safety and support

IVHQ follows best practice and industry-leading health and safety procedures, which are regularly reviewed and optimized as part of the B Corporation recertification.

  • All volunteers encouraged to complete our interactive pre-departure training.
  • All local teams trained on best practice volunteer management & First Aid.
  • All IVHQ programs are required to adhere to IVHQ's Risk Management Policy.
  • All volunteers have access to 24/7 in-country support from our local team.
Learn more about IVHQ's safety

Essential country information

Capital New Delhi
Population 1.366 billion
Languages Hindi, English
Currency Indian Rupee (INR)
Time zone UTC+05:30

Weather and climate

India is subject to six different climates and can be loosely characterized by four seasons; winter, summer, monsoon, and a post-monsoon period. Delhi experiences intense heat during the summer months (April to June) and temperatures can reach 45°C (114°F) during heat waves from the south. Dust storms are common during summer months. Following the dry summer, there is a period of monsoon weather from late June until September bringing heavy rain and average temperatures of 29°C (85°F). As winds from the Himalayas descend from November, winter in Delhi begins and average temperatures will sit around 12°C to 13°C (54°F to 55°F) until February. Heavy fog is typical during the winter.

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How to get started

Pick a destination + project and apply for free
Meet your personal volunteer travel expert
Pay the Registration Fee to secure your place and upgrade your MyIVHQ account
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