Keep it simple and diversify your traffic sources
travel and hospitality Overview
Key conversion rate insights for travel and hospitality
Travel and hospitality landing pages often have to appeal to visitors on a personal level. We’re not talking about boring B2B software companies here—we’re talking about flights, luxurious hotels or resorts, vacations, and more. That means that every detail matters, and small changes can have a big difference on your average conversion rate.
After doing a ton of analysis on travel and hospitality trends and benchmarks, we’ve curated our best tips and insights for digital marketers. Whether you’re looking for the latest industry trends or are trying to increase online hotel bookings, you’ll walk away with clear next steps for higher-converting campaigns. We’ve shared everything from where you should invest your paid media budget to how to write your highest-converting landing page copy.
In addition to conversion benchmarks for travel and hospitality overall, you’ll find benchmark data for subcategories like accommodations, food and beverage, and transportation and travel services.
Now let’s get into what the data says you should (or shouldn’t) be doing to boost your conversion rates.
You have to work hard for results on paid social
Paid social is a fairly low performer, with paid search performing nearly twice as well and email performing over three times as well.
Don’t place all your bets on one search engine
If you can believe it, Yahoo’s median CVR is 49.2% higher than Google’s. Still, both Google and Bing have great performance potential.
Short, simple copy is more important here than almost any other industry
The data tells us that keeping landing page copy short and reducing the number of difficult words is essential in the travel and hospitality industry.
Accelerate results with simple CRO
Access the full Conversion Benchmark Report for detailed industry benchmarks, in-depth conversion rate insights, top-performing channels, and more.